10x capital specializes in customer service, collections, and recovery management experience, supporting all areas of financial servicing across industries.
10x capital was founded in 2001, gathering more than 20 years of veteran management experience, with operating facilities strategically located across the United States.
Nationwide Coverage
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
Passion for your Goals
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
Ready when you are
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
10x capital
Competitive Advantage
SSAE I6 Certified type II
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
First-Class Service
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
State of the art Collection technology
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
Full Compliance
Quality Assurance Services
AMOS conducts independent reviews of default mortgage operations, ensuring adherence to investor, regulatory, and compliance guidelines. Staffed by experts with extensive experience in default servicing for various loan types and regulatory agencies, including:
Valuation Product Offerings
Processing (Staging)
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
Loan Modifications (Trial Plans and Final Modifications)
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
Processing (Staging)
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
Processing (Staging)
10x capital hold debt collection licenses in all 50 states.
10x capital
ClientFirst! is an 10x capital customer service enhancement program focused on promptly delivering all aspects of the client’s expectations.
Total Performance
Total Performance means always doing everything we do, the right way, emphasizing on the way we conduct business each day and highlights the responsibilities we have to our clients, families, co-workers, and our company.
An ACCSCIENT company
Total Performance
ACCSCIENT strives to deliver a multi-faceted portfolio of expertise in Enterprise Platforms, Digital Data Ecosystems, and Talent to enable digital transformation while navigating the need for Global Optimization, Security, and Financial Agility.
All of this is delivered with the client-centric focus of a boutique firm, the reach and stability of a global player, and the frictionless experience of a single partner.